Xanthoparmelia stenophylla


Taxonavigation: Lecanorales 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Fungi
Subregnum: Dikarya
Divisio: Ascomycota
Subdivisio: Pezizomycotina
Classis: Lecanoromycetes
Subclassis: Lecanoromycetidae
Ordo: Lecanorales

Familia: Parmeliaceae
Subfamilia: Parmelioideae
Genus: Xanthoparmelia
Species: Xanthoparmelia stenophylla


Xanthoparmelia stenophylla (Ach.) Ahti & D.Hawksw., Lichenologist 37(4): 363 (2005). [MycoBank #356009]


  • Parmelia conspersa β.[=var.] stenophylla Ach., Meth. Lich. (2): 206 (1803). [MycoBank #636125]

Homotypic synonyms

  • Parmelia centrifuga a.[=var.] polita β.[=f.] stenophylla (Ach.) Wallr., Fl. Crypt. Germ. [Norimbergae] 1: 498 (1831). [MycoBank #618185]
  • Parmelia centrifuga b.[=var.] stenophylla (Ach.) Rabenh., Deutschl. Krypt.-Fl. [Leipzig] 2(1): 56 (1845). [MycoBank #618189]
  • Parmelia conspersa b.[=f.] stenophylla (Ach.) Schaer., Enum. Critic. Lich. Europ. [Bern]: 46 (1850). [MycoBank #645594]
  • Imbricaria conspersa α.[=var.] polita 2.[=f.] stenophylla (Ach.) Flot., Jahresber. Schles. Ges. Vaterl. Kult. 28: 134 (1850). [MycoBank #617985]
  • Parmelia stenophylla (Ach.) Heugel, Correspondenzbl. Naturf. Vereins Riga 8(7): 109 (1855). [MycoBank #529641]
  • Imbricaria conspersa var. stenophylla (Ach.) Jatta, Acta Horti Petropolit. 16: 530 (1900). [MycoBank #645171]
  • Parmelia conspersa subsp. stenophylla (Ach.) Hasse, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 17(1): 101 (1913). [MycoBank #645597]
  • Parmelia stenophylla (Ach.) Du Rietz, Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 15(1): 176 (1921). [MycoBank #463557] (isonym)

Heterotypic synonyms

  • Parmelia conspersa f. convoluta Rabenh., Lich. Europ. Exsicc.: no. 891 (1871). [MycoBank #459005] (nom. nud.)
  • Parmelia convoluta Rabenh. ex Gyeln., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 29(4–10): 156 (1931). [MycoBank #478475] (nom. illeg.)
(non Parmelia convoluta Kremp., Verh. K.K. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 30(2): 337 (1881). [MycoBank #397384])
  • Parmelia somloensis Gyeln., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 29(11–20): 280 (1931). [MycoBank #627713]
  • Parmelia somloënsis Gyeln. (1831). [MycoBank #398270] (orthographic variant)
  • Parmelia viriduloumbrina var. somloensis (Gyeln.) Gyeln., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 30(9–16): 211 (1932). [MycoBank #627719]
  • Parmelia viriduloumbrina var. somloënsis (Gyeln.) Gyeln. (1932). [MycoBank #434931] (orthographic variant)
  • Parmelia polyphylloides f. somloensis (Gyeln.) Gyeln., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 35(18–25): 371 (1934). [MycoBank #627708]
  • Parmelia polyphylloides f. somloënsis (Gyeln.) Gyeln. (1934). [MycoBank #435020] (orthographic variant)
  • Xanthoparmelia somloensis (Gyeln.) Hale in Ahti et al., Mycotaxon 28(1): 98 (1987). [MycoBank #627838]
  • Xanthoparmelia somloënsis (Gyeln.) Hale (1987). [MycoBank #128464] (orthographic variant)


  • Acharius, E. 1803. Methodus qua omnes detectos Lichenes secundum organa carpomorpha ad Genera, Species et Varietates redigere atque observationibus illustrare tentavit Erik Acharius., Sect. 1: 1–52, i–lv, 1–152, Sect. 2: 153–393, pl. 1–8. BHL Reference page. 
  • Heugel, C.A. 1855–1856. Beitrag zur Kryptogamenkunde der Ostsee-Gouvernements Russlands. Correspondenzblatt des Naturforschenden Vereins zu Riga 8(5): 73–79 (1855); 8(6): 81–94 (1855); 8(7): 105–110 (1855); 8(8): 119–127 (1855); 8(9): 129–141; 8(10): 163–167 (1855); 8(11): 169–178 (1855); 8(12): 185–204 (1855); 9(4): 45–49 (1856). hdl: 10062/46147 Open access. hdl: 10062/46148 Open access. Reference page. 
  • Schaerer, L.E. 1850. Enumeratio Critica Lichenum Europaeorum.: [I]–XXXVI + 1–327 + pls. 1–10. Officina Staempfliana, Bernae. BHL Reference page. 
  • Wallroth, K.F.W. 1831. Flora Cryptogamica Germaniae. Pars Prior, continens Filices, Lichenastra, Muscos et Lichenes.: 1–654. J.L. Schrag, Norimbergae. Google Books Reference page. 

Vernacular names

čeština: terčovka úzkolistá
English: Shingled rock-shield
eesti: kitsahõlmine koldsamblik
suomi: Silokeltakarve
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