
Taxonavigation: Sapindales 
Classification System: APG IV

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Cladus: Angiosperms
Cladus: Eudicots
Cladus: Core eudicots
Cladus: Rosids
Cladus: Eurosids II
Ordo: Sapindales

Familia: Rutaceae
Subfamilia: Zanthoxyloideae
Genera: Acmadenia Acradenia Acronychia Adenandra Adiscanthus Agathosma Andreadoxa Angostura Apocaulon Araliopsis Asterolasia Balfourodendron Boronella Boronia Bosistoa Bouchardatia Bouzetia Brombya Calodendrum Casimiroa Choisya Chorilaena Clausena Coatesia Coleonema Comptonella Conchocarpus Coombea Correa Crossosperma Crowea Cyanothamnus Decagonocarpus Decatropis Decazyx Dendrosma Desmotes Dictamnus Dinosperma Diosma Diplolaena Drummondita Dryades Dutailliopsis Dutaillyea Empleuridium Empleurum Eriostemon Ertela Erythrochiton Esenbeckia Euchaetis Euodia Euxylophora Fagaropsis Flindersia Galipea Geijera Geleznowia Halfordia Helietta Hortia Ivodea Leionema Leptothyrsa Lubaria Lunasia Maclurodendron Macrostylis Medicosma Megastigma Melicope Metrodorea Microcybe Muiriantha Myrtopsis Naudinia Nematolepis Neobyrnesia Neoschmidia Neoraputia Orixa Peltostigma Pentaceras Perryodendron Phebalium Phellodendron Philotheca Phyllosma Picrella Pilocarpus Pitavia Plethadenia Polyaster Ptelea Raputia Raputiarana Rauia Raulinoa Ravenia Raveniopsis Rhadinothamnus Rutaneblina Sarcomelicope Sheilanthera Sigmatanthus Skimmia Spiranthera Stauranthus Tetractomia Tetradium Ticorea Toxosiphon Vepris Zanthoxylum Zieria


Zanthoxyloideae A.Juss. ex Arn. (1831)

  • Type genus: Zanthoxylum L., Sp. Pl. 1: 270. (1753)


  • Heterotypic
    • Diosmoideae Arn. (1831)
    • Diosmaceae Bartling,
      • Type genus: Diosma L., Sp. Pl. 1: 198. (1753)
    • Toddalioideae K.Koch (1869)
    • Boroniaceae J. Agardh,
    • Dictamnaceae Vest,
    • Diplolaenaceae J. Agardh,
    • Flindersiaceae Airy Shaw,
    • Fraxinellaceae Nees & Martius,
    • Jamboliferaceae Martynov,
    • Pilocarpaceae J. Agardh,
    • Pteleaceae Kunth,
    • Zanthoxylaceae Martinov

Note: RTF clade as a subfamily formed by synonymising some Rutoideae Arn., Bot. 104. (1832) Toddalioideae K.Koch (1869) with Flindersia. Due to priority under ICBN Amyridoideae Link, (1831) has precedence over Toddalioideae K.Koch, (1869) (Groppo et al. 2012). However, Appelhans et al., (2021) found that the majority of this clade did not cluster with Amyris and its close relatives, which were retained in Amyridoideae Link, (1831) leaving the remainder to be circumscribed in a resurrected and much expanded Zanthoxyloideae A.Juss. ex Arn. (1831).


Primary references

  • Reveal, J.L. 1995. Subfamily names in an 1832 preprint of an article on botany for the seventh edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Taxon 44(4): 589-596. JSTOR

Additional references

  • Appelhans, M.S., Bayly, M.J., Heslewood, M.M., Groppo, M., Verboom, G.A., Forster, P.I., Kallunki, J.A. & Duretto, M.F. 2021. A new subfamily classification of the Citrus family (Rutaceae) based on six nuclear and plastid markers. Taxon 70(5): 1035-1061. DOI: 10.1002/tax.12543 Open access Reference page. 
  • Appelhans, M.S., Wen, J. & Wagner, W.L. 2014. A molecular phylogeny of Acronychia, Euodia, Melicope and relatives (Rutaceae) reveals polyphyletic genera and key innovations for species richness. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 79: 54-68. DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2014.06.014 Paywall Reference page. 
  • Bayly, M.J., Holmes, G.D., Forster, P.I., Cantrill, D.J. & Ladiges, P.Y. 2013. Major clades of Australasian Rutoideae (Rutaceae) based on rbc L and atp B sequences. PLoS One, 8(8), p.e72493. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0072493 Open access
  • Duretto, M.F., Heslewood, M.M. & Bayly, M.J. 2020. Boronia (Rutaceae) is polyphyletic: Reinstating Cyanothamnus and the problems associated with inappropriately defined outgroups. Taxon 69(3): 481-499. DOI: 10.1002/tax.12242 ResearchGate Reference page. 
  • Groppo, M., de Lemos, L.J.C., de Lima Ferreira, P., Ferreira, C., Bruniera, C.P., de Castro, N.M., Pirani, J.R., El Ottra, J.H. & Kallunki, J.A. 2021. A tree nymph of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: Dryades (Galipeinae, Rutaceae), a new neotropical genus segregated from Conchocarpus. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 154: 1-15 106971. DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2020.106971 Open access ResearchGate Reference page. 
  • Groppo, M., Kallunki, J.A., Pirani, J.R. & Antonelli, A. 2012. Chilean Pitavia more closely related to Oceania and Old World Rutaceae than to Neotropical groups: evidence from two cpDNA non-coding regions, with a new subfamilial classification of the family. PhytoKeys (19): 9-29. DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.19.3912 Open access Reference page. 
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