


From ģeometrija (geometry) + -isks. Probably not formed as such in Latvian, but borrowed and adapted from other European languages.


ģeometrisks (ģeometriskais comparative, ģeometriskāks superlative, visģeometriskākais adverb, ģeometriski)

  1. (mathematics) geometric (typical of, or associated with, geometry)
    ģeometrisks punktsgeometric point
    ģeometriska līnijageometric line
    ģeometriska virsmageometric surface
    ģeometrisks objektsgeometric object
    jāiepazīstas skolēniem ar jaunu ģeometrisku figūru - paralelogramuthe students must become acquainted with a new geometric figure: the parallelogram
  2. (objects of art) geometric (having well-defined lines, similar to those of geometric figures)
    metāla rotājumi ādas darbos pazīstami jau tautas mākslā, galvenokārt kā metāla kniedes un nagliņas, kas ģeometriskā rakstā iestrādātas jostās, dunču makstis un zirglietāsmetal decorations in leather works are known in folk art, especially stubs and pins embedded in belts, dagger holsters and saddles in a geometric pattern


Derived terms

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