
Borrowed from Middle High German schive (“disk, round plate, dish”), or maybe from Middle Dutch schijf or an East Frisian word (compare Saterland Frisian Schieuwe, Skieuwe; also compare German Scheibe). The borrowing is first mentioned in 17th-century dictionaries (as šķīva), in competition with another borrowing, tallerķis, telerķis, telēķis (compare German Teller). In the 19th century, a form šķīve is mentioned, especially from Kurzeme, while telerķis was more frequent in Vidzeme. A. Kronvalds used both forms to translate German Teller (šķīvis (telēķis), in 1863). The form šķīvis became standard in the literary language by the end of the 19th century.[1]
- IPA(key): [ʃcīːvis]
šķīvis m (2nd declension)
- dish, plate (round, rarely oval, usually flat bowl for serving food; its contents)
- māla, porcelāna, plastmasas šķīvji ― clay, porcelain, plastic dishes
- dziļais, seklais šķīvis ― deep, shallow plate
- zupas, maizes šķīvis ― soup, bread plate
- sienas šķīvis ― wall plate
- liet zupu šķīvī ― to pour soup on the plate
- notīrīt šķīvi ― to clean the plate (i.e., to eat all the food on the plate)
- izēst divus šķīvjus ― to eat two plates
- (music, chiefly plural) cymbals, brass plates (percussion instrument consisting of two metal disks)
- es situ šķīvjus visos jaunatnes simfoniskā orķestra koncertos ― I play (lit. hit) the cymbals in all youth symphonic orchestra concerts
- (chiefly in the plural) plates (machinery part, a curved metal plate)
- ecēšu šķīvji ― harrow plates
- siltummaiņa šķīvji ― heat exchanger plates
Declension of šķīvis (2nd declension)
- Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), “šķīvis”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN
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