- IPA(key): /ɡʲi/
ги • (gi) (personal)
- Short form of the third-person plural pronoun in the accusative case, used as the direct object of a verb; them
- Никога преди не съм ги виждал.
- Nikoga predi ne sǎm gi viždal.
- I've never seen them before.
- Чух ги да викат в далечината.
- Čuh gi da vikat v dalečinata.
- I heard them calling in the distance.
Related terms
Bulgarian personal pronouns
Number | Person | Gender | Nominative (subject) |
Accusative (direct complement) |
Dative (indirect complement) |
Prepositional | ||
Full | Short | Full | Short | |||||
Singular | First | — | аз (az) | мен (men) мене (méne) |
ме (me) | мене (méne) | ми (mi) | мен (men) мене (méne) |
Second | Informal | ти (ti) | теб (teb) тебе (tébe) |
те (te) | тебе (tébe) | ти (ti) | теб (teb) тебе (tébe) | |
Formal | Вие (Víe) | Вас (Vas) | Ви (Vi) | Вам (Vam) | Ви (Vi) | Вас (Vas) | ||
Third | Masculine | той (toj) | него (négo) | го (go) | нему (nému) | му (mu) | него (négo) | |
Feminine | тя (tja) | нея (néja) | я (ja) | ней (nej) | ѝ (ì) | нея (néja) | ||
Neuter | то (to) | него (négo) | го (go) | нему (nému) | му (mu) | него (négo) | ||
Plural | First | — | ние (níe) ний (nij) |
нас (nas) | ни (ni) | нам (nam) | ни (ni) | нас (nas) |
Second | Informal | вие (víe) вий (vij) |
вас (vas) | ви (vi) | вам (vam) | ви (vi) | вас (vas) | |
Formal | Вие (Víe) | Вас (Vas) | Ви (Vi) | Вам (Vam) | Ви (Vi) | Вас (Vas) | ||
Third | — | те (te) | тях (tjah) | ги (gi) | тям (tjam) | им (im) | тях (tjah) |
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