See also: тёбе
- IPA(key): /ˈt̪ɛbɛ/
тебе • (tébe)
- Full form of the second-person singular pronoun in the accusative case, used as the direct object of a verb; you.
- Търсех Георги, а намерих тебе.
- Tǎrseh Georgi, a namerih tebe.
- I was looking for Georgi and I found you.
- The second-person singular pronoun in the prepositional case, used as the object of a preposition; you.
- Не мога да живея без тебе.
- Ne moga da živeja bez tebe.
- I can't live without you.
- От тебе зависи.
- Ot tebe zavisi.
- It's up to you.
- (dated) Full form of the second-person singular pronoun in the dative case, used as the indirect object of a verb; to you, for you, you.
- Слава Тебе, Господи!
- Slava Tebe, Gospodi!
- Glory be to thee!, O Lord!/Thank God!/Thank goodness
- Тебе поръчаха да занесеш писмото.
- Tebe porǎčaha da zaneseš pismoto.
- They ordered you to take the letter.
Usage notes
- The full dative form is considered outdated and is usually substituted by the preposition на and the accusative form (На тебе поръчаха да занесеш писмото).
Related terms
Bulgarian personal pronouns
Number | Person | Gender | Nominative (subject) |
Accusative (direct complement) |
Dative (indirect complement) |
Prepositional | ||
Full | Short | Full | Short | |||||
Singular | First | — | аз (az) | мен (men) мене (méne) |
ме (me) | мене (méne) | ми (mi) | мен (men) мене (méne) |
Second | Informal | ти (ti) | теб (teb) тебе (tébe) |
те (te) | тебе (tébe) | ти (ti) | теб (teb) тебе (tébe) | |
Formal | Вие (Víe) | Вас (Vas) | Ви (Vi) | Вам (Vam) | Ви (Vi) | Вас (Vas) | ||
Third | Masculine | той (toj) | него (négo) | го (go) | нему (nému) | му (mu) | него (négo) | |
Feminine | тя (tja) | нея (néja) | я (ja) | ней (nej) | ѝ (ì) | нея (néja) | ||
Neuter | то (to) | него (négo) | го (go) | нему (nému) | му (mu) | него (négo) | ||
Plural | First | — | ние (níe) ний (nij) |
нас (nas) | ни (ni) | нам (nam) | ни (ni) | нас (nas) |
Second | Informal | вие (víe) вий (vij) |
вас (vas) | ви (vi) | вам (vam) | ви (vi) | вас (vas) | |
Formal | Вие (Víe) | Вас (Vas) | Ви (Vi) | Вам (Vam) | Ви (Vi) | Вас (Vas) | ||
Third | — | те (te) | тях (tjah) | ги (gi) | тям (tjam) | им (im) | тях (tjah) |
- IPA(key): /ˈtɛbɛ/
- IPA(key): [tʲɪˈbʲe]
- Rhymes: -e
- IPA(key): /têbe/
- Hyphenation: те‧бе
те̏бе (Latin spelling tȅbe)
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