
See also: по ред



по- (po-) + ред (red)


поред (poréd)

  1. in turn, one after another



по- + ред


  • IPA(key): /pôred/
  • Hyphenation: по‧ред


по̏ред (Latin spelling pȍred) (+ genitive case)

  1. beside, next to, alongside (= кра̏ј, по̏крај, до̏)
    Дођи, с(ј)едни поред мене.Come here. Sit next to me.
  2. past, by (so as to move from one side of something to the other (= по̏крај)
    Метак је пролетио точно поред мене.The bullet flew right by me.
  3. (in a constant direction with or opposite another) along, down (= ни̏з, ду̏ж, по̏крај)
    Цеста иде поред р(иј)еке.The road goes along the river.
  4. in spite of, despite (= у̏пркос, по̏крај, ми̏мо)
    поред свих упозорењаin spite of all warnings
  5. besides, in addition to (= по̀врх)
    поред свега тогаin addition to all that
    поред осталогin addition to everything else
  6. (proscribed) besides, except (= о̏сӣм)
    Она нема ништа поред те приколице.She has nothing except that trailer.

See also

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