See also: אַרויס
Derived terms
► <a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Yiddish_words_prefixed_with_%D7%90%D6%B7%D7%A8%D7%95%D7%99%D7%A1%D6%BE' title='Category:Yiddish words prefixed with אַרויס־'>Yiddish words prefixed with אַרויס־</a>
- אַרויסבאַלאָטירן (aroysbalotirn, “to vote out”)
- אַרויסברענגען (aroysbrengen, “to bring out; to express”)
- אַרויסגאַנג m (aroysgang, “exit”)
- אַרויסגעבן (aroysgebn, “to release, issue, publish; to emit, give off, generate; to surrender; to betray”)
- אַרויסהייבן (aroysheybn, “to pick out; to set off; to stress, emphasize, highlight, play up”)
- אַרויס הייבנדיק (aroys heybndik, “beginning, starting”, adjective)
- אַרויסהעלפֿן (aroyshelfn, “to assist”)
- אַרויסוואַקסן (aroysvaksn, “to evolve; to grow out of; to outgrow”)
- אַרויסוואַרפֿן (aroysvarfn, “to throw out”)
- אַרויסווײַזן (aroysvayzn, “to exhibit, show”)
- אַרויסזאָגן (aroyszogn, “to speak, state, express, utter, put forward (in words)”)
- אַרויסזען (aroyszen, “to realize”)
- אַרויסטרעטן (aroystretn, “to out: come out publicly; to appear on stage”)
- אַרויסטרײַבן (aroystraybn, “to banish, expel”)
- אַרויסכאַפּן (aroyskhapn, “to snatch”)
- אַרויסנאַרן (aroysnarn, “to get by deception, obtain by deception”)
- אַרויספֿאָר m (aroysfor, “departure; outing”)
- אַרויספֿאָרן (aroysforn, “to depart, leave; to sail”)
- אַרויסקומען (aroyskumen, “to come out, issue, emerge”)
- אַרויסקלײַבן (aroysklaybn, “to move out (of a house, etc.)”)
- אַרויסקריגן (aroyskrign, “to elicit, exact”)
- אַרויסרופֿן (aroysrufn, “to call out, call forth, summon; to page; to develop a photograph; to provoke a feeling; to lead to; to cause”)
- אַרויסרעדן (aroysredn, “to pronounce”)
- אַרויסרײַסן (aroysraysn, “to pull out, rip out, wrest, wrench; to pull a tooth”)
- אַרויסשווימען (aroysshvimen, “to float out”)
- אַרויסשטעקן (aroysshtekn, “to stick out, protrude”)
- אַרויסשיקן (aroysshikn, “to send, mail, dispatch”)
- אַרויסשלאָגן (aroysshlogn, “to knock out; to gush out; to eliminate”)
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