ع د و

See also: ع ذ و



ع د و (ʿ-d-w)

  1. related to pass beyond
  • Form I: عَدَا (ʿadā)
  • Form II: عَدَّى (ʿaddā, to transgress, to go over)
    • Verbal noun: تَعْدِيَة (taʿdiya)
    • Active participle: مُعَدٍّ (muʿaddin)
    • Passive participle: مُعَدًّى (muʿaddan)
  • Form III: عَادَى (ʿādā, to be hostile to, to treat as an enemy)
    • Verbal noun: مُعَادَاة (muʿādāh), عِدَاء (ʿidāʾ)
    • Active participle: مُعَادٍ (muʿādin)
    • Passive participle: مُعَادًى (muʿādan)
  • Form IV: أَعْدَى (ʾaʿdā, to infect)
    • Verbal noun: إِعْدَاء (ʾiʿdāʾ)
    • Active participle: مُعْدٍ (muʿdin)
    • Passive participle: مُعْدًى (muʿdan)
  • Form V: تَعَدَّى (taʿaddā, to exceed)
    • Verbal noun: تَعَدٍّ (taʿaddin)
    • Active participle: مُتَعَدٍّ (mutaʿaddin)
    • Passive participle: مُتَعَدًّى (mutaʿaddan)
  • Form VI: تَعَادَى (taʿādā, to be foes)
    • Verbal noun: تَعَادٍ (taʿādin)
    • Active participle: مُتَعَادٍ (mutaʿādin)
    • Passive participle: مُتَعَادًى (mutaʿādan)
  • Form VII: اِنْعَدَى (inʿadā, to become infected)
    • Verbal noun: اِنْعِدَاء (inʿidāʾ)
    • Active participle: مُنْعَدٍ (munʿadin)
  • Form VIII: اِعْتَدَى (iʿtadā, to aggress)
    • Verbal noun: اِعْتِدَاء (iʿtidāʾ)
    • Active participle: مُعْتَدٍ (muʿtadin)
    • Passive participle: مُعْتَدًى (muʿtadan)
  • Form X: اِسْتَعْدَى (istaʿdā, to incite)
    • Verbal noun: اِسْتِعْدَاء (istiʿdāʾ)
    • Active participle: مُسْتَعْدٍ (mustaʿdin)
    • Passive participle: مُسْتَعْدًى (mustaʿdan)
  • عَدُوّ (ʿaduww, foe)
  • عَدَاء (ʿadāʾ, hostility)
  • عَدَاوَة (ʿadāwa, enmity)
  • ءَدَّاء (ʾaddāʾ, runner)
  • ءَدْوَى (ʾadwā, infection)
  • ءُدْوَى (ʾudwā, hostile acting)
  • عُدَوَاء (ʿudawāʾ, adversity)
  • عُدْوَان (ʿudwān)
  • عُدْوَانِيَّة (ʿudwāniyya, aggressivity)
  • مَعْدًى (maʿdan, avoidance)
  • مَعْدِيَة (maʿdiya, ferry)
  • عَدِيّ (ʿadiyy, acting hostile)
  • عَدَائِيّ (ʿadāʾiyy, hostile)
  • عُدْوَانِيّ (ʿudwāniyy, inimical)
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