ع م ر

See also: عمر and غمر



ع م ر (ʿ-m-r)

  1. forming words related to the passing of time and the expansion of life
Verbs and verbal derivatives
  • Form I: عَمَرَ (ʿamara, to be accustomed, to construct, to inhabit or frequent a place (with ه (h)))
    • Verbal noun: عَمْر (ʿamr, life, religion, veil)
    • Active participle: عَامِر (ʿāmir, inhabited, cultivated, flourishing, prosperous)
    • Passive participle: مَعْمُور (maʿmūr, the universe, all existing things, a populous place)
  • Form II: عَمَّرَ (ʿammara, to grant longevity, to aid in attaining longevity, to make prosper)
    • Verbal noun: تَعْمِير (taʿmīr, a building or the repair thereof)
    • Active participle: مُعَمِّر (muʿammir, a colonist, a settler)
    • Passive participle: مُعَمَّر (muʿammar, populated, flourishing, built, longlasting)
  • Form IV: أَعْمَرَ (ʾaʿmara, to find a place habitable or prosperous, to colonize or make habitable (with ه (h)))
    • Verbal noun: إِعْمَار (ʾiʿmār, the cultivation of a place or the preparation which make it habitable)
    • Active participle: مُعْمِر (muʿmir)
    • Passive participle: مُعْمَر (muʿmar)
  • Form VIII: اِعْتَمَرَ (iʿtamara, to visit, to frequent a place)
    • Verbal noun: اِعْتِمَار (iʿtimār, the performance of the 'umra pilgrimage)
    • Active participle: مُعْتَمِر (muʿtamir)
    • Passive participle: مُعْتَمَر (muʿtamar)
  • Form X: اِسْتَعْمَرَ (istaʿmara, to populate, to colonize)
Nouns and adjectives
  • عُمْر (ʿumr, life, age)
  • عُمْرَة (ʿumra, a short pilgrimage, a 'umra, a visit)
  • عَمَار (ʿamār, salutation, friendship)
  • عَمَارَة (ʿamāra, a big tribe, a salutation consisting of waving myrtle leaves, a flowery ornament, a fleet)
  • عِمَارَة (ʿimāra, a building, a tribe, a population, an estate or a landplot)
  • عَمِير (ʿamīr, cultivated, inhabited, oft visited)
  • عُمْرَان (ʿumrān, flourishing, acme, civilization)


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