


जन् (jan) class 1

  1. to generate, beget, produce, create, cause.


जन् (jan) class 10

  1. to cause to be born.


जन् (jan) class 4

  1. to be born or produced, come into existence.
  • आजान (ājā́na, birth, descent, birthplace)
  • आजानि (ājā́ni, birth, descent)
  • जन (jána, person, people, race; generating)
  • जनक (janaká, progenitor)
  • (, son of; father; birth)
  • जा (jā́, race, tribe)
  • जास् (jā́s, offspring)
  • जाति (jāti, birth, family, species, breed)
  • जात (jātá, son; birth; origin; race; genus)
  • जान (jā́na, birth, origin, birthplace)
  • जानि (jā́ni, birth, descent)
  • जनि (jáni, birth, production, birthplace)
  • जनी (jánī, birth, birthplace; daughter-in-law)
  • जन्तु (jantú, offspring, kinsman)
  • ज्ञाति (jñātí, kinsman)
  • जन्यु (janyu, birth, creature)
  • जन्य (jánya, people, community, nation)
  • जनुस् (janús, janū́s, birth, production, descent, nativity; genus, class, kind)
  • जनुषा (januṣā, necessarily, essentially, originally, by birth)
  • जनू (janū́, birth, descent)
  • जनु (janu, soul)
  • जेन्य (jénya, of noble origin; genuine)
  • जातु (jā́tu, jātú, at all, ever, perhaps)
  • जात्य (jā́tya, legitimate; of a good family)
  • जनता (janátā, people, folk; generation)
  • जनन (jánana, progenitor, production, birth, race)
  • जज्ञि (jájñi, germinating, shooting; seed)
  • जन्मिन् (janmin, creature)
  • जानुका (jā́nukā, bringing forth; woman)
  • जानपद (jā́napada, inhabitant of a country, subject)
  • जनपद (janapadá, community, nation, people; empire)
  • जना (janā, birth, origin)
  • जनितोस् (jánitos, to be born (Vedic infinitive))
  • जननी (jananī, mother)
  • जनितृ (janitṛ́, jánitṛ, progenitor)
  • जनित्र (janítra, home, origin, birthplace)
  • जनिमन् (jániman, generation, birth, origin; offspring; creature; genus)
  • जन्म (janmá, birth)
  • जन्मन् (jánman, production, existence, nativity)
  • जाया (jāyā́, bringing forth; wife)
  • जास्पति (jā́spáti, jā́spati, head of a family)
  • जावन् (jā́van, born, produced)
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