See also: -еный
Compare the past-passive-participle suffix -ённый (-jónnyj).
- IPA(key): [ˈʲɵnɨj]
-ёный • (-jónyj)
- Suffix used to form passive-participle-like adjectives from verbs that normally form past passive participles in -ённый (-jónnyj).
Usage notes
For most such adjectives, short forms in -ён (-jón), -ёна (-jóna), -ёно (-jóno), -ёны (-jóny) exist theoretically, but are usually avoided due to ambiguity with the short forms of the corresponding past passive participle in -ённый (-jónnyj) (in the case of -ёна (-jóna), -ёно (-jóno), -ёны (-jóny) the ambiguity is with colloquial forms; the corresponding standard short forms for participles in -ённый (-jónnyj) are -ена́ (-ená), -ено́ (-enó), -ены́ (-ený)). However, this doesn't apply to some adjectives, e.g. учёный (učónyj), where the short forms are in normal use.
Derived terms
► <a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Russian_words_suffixed_with_-%D1%91%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9' title='Category:Russian words suffixed with -ёный'>Russian words suffixed with -ёный</a>
See also
- -лый (-lyj) (used to form similar adjectives from intransitive verbs)
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