See also: buste
Etymology 1
- The word was borrowed from Italian busto and French buste in the 18th century:[1] More precisely, at the beginning of the 18th century the German words Busto and Buste were borrowed from the Italian busto, and since the 2nd half of the 18th century, under influence of the French buste which was also borrowed from Italian, the German word Büste was applied in general use.[2] Further details about the origin are not certain.[1] The Italian word might be a borrowing from Latin bustum “funeral pyre, place where corpses are burned; burial mound” presuming that bustum in the sense of “tomb” could denote a figural representation of the person deceased.[2]
- In the sense of “female breast, bosom”[1][2] it is applied in general use since the middle[2] of the 19th century[1][2] as a probable new borrowing from French buste “idem”.[2]
Büste f (genitive Büste, plural Büsten)
- (art) bust (sculptural portrayal of a person′s head and shoulders)
- eine Büste aus Marmor, Bronze, Gips
- a bust made of marble, bronze, plaster (of Paris)
- eine Büste aufstellen, in Stein meißeln
- to erect a bust, to chisel a bust into stone
- eine Büste bekränzen, mit Lorbeer umwinden
- to crown a bust with a wreath, to wreathe a bust with laurel
- 1891, Conrad Ferdinand Meyer: Angela Borgia. Novelle. 1st edition, Leipzig: H. Haessel, (GoogleBooks; retrieved October 14, 2015), p. 140:
- Denn die Büsten der sieben römischen Könige standen auf ehernen Säulen längs den Wänden.
- For the busts of the seven Roman kings were placed on metal pillars along the walls.
- Denn die Büsten der sieben römischen Könige standen auf ehernen Säulen längs den Wänden.
- (anatomy) bust (the breast and upper thorax of a woman)
- (tailoring, dressmaking) (tailor′s, dressmaker′s) dummy
- Synonyms: Schneiderbüste, Schneiderpuppe
- ein Kleid über die Büste ziehen
- to put/slip a dress on the dummy
- ein Kleid nach der Büste abstecken
- to fit/pin a dress with the help of a dummy
Derived terms
bust (sculptural portrayal of a person′s head and shoulders)
- Bronzebüste
- Büstenpfeiler
- Cäsarenbüste
- Frauenbüste
- Gedenkbüste
- Gipsbüste
- Marmorbüste
- Porträtbüste/Portraitbüste
bust (the breast and upper thorax of a woman)
- Kleiderbüste
- Schneiderbüste
Proper noun
Büste n (genitive Büstes)
Further reading
- Büste in Duden online
- “Büste” in Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache
- “Büste” in Deutsches Wörterbuch von Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm, 16 vols., Leipzig 1854–1961.
- “Büste” in canoo.net
- “Büste” in Uni Leipzig: Wortschatz-Lexikon
Büste (Bismark) on the German Wikipedia.Wikipedia de
- Friedrich Kluge, revised by Elmar Seebold: Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. 24th, checked through and expanded edition. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 2001, →ISBN, p. 163.
- “Büste” in Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache
- Max Mangold and Dudenredaktion: Duden Aussprachewörterbuch. In: Der Duden in zwölf Bänden. 6th edition. Volume 6, Dudenverlag, Mannheim/Leipzig/Wien/Zürich 2005, →ISBN, p. 225.
- Eva-Maria Krech, Eberhard Stock, Ursula Hirschfeld, Lutz Christian Anders et al.: Deutsches Aussprachewörterbuch: Mit Beiträgen von Walter Haas, Ingrid Hove, Peter Wiesinger. 1st edition. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 2009, →ISBN, p. 393.
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