- IPA(key): /ʃpɔʁt/, /ʃpɔɐ̯t/ (standard)
- IPA(key): /spɔʁt/, /spɔɐ̯t/ (northern German, now becoming rare)
- (Germany)
(file) - (Austria)
Sport m (genitive Sports or Sportes, plural Sporte)
- sport (athletic activity that uses physical skills competitively under a set of rules)
- athletics, sports, (loosely) exercise (physical activities (not necessarily with fixed rules) requiring stamina, fitness and skill)
- physical education, phys ed (element of an educational curriculum concerned with bodily development, physical health, etc.)
- hobby (activity involving exercise or exertion that one enjoys doing in one's spare time)
Usage notes
Sportarten is the preferred plural when referring to multiple specific sports.
Related terms
- Alpinport
- Altensport
- Amateursport
- Autosport
- Ballsport
- Betriebssport
- Bewegungssport
- Breitensport
- Denksport
- Eisslaufsport
- Eisstocksport
- Flugsport
- Frauensport
- Frühsport
- Fußballsport
- Hallensport
- Individualsport
- Jagdsport
- Judosport
- Jugendsport
- Kampfsport
- Laufsport
- Leistungssport
- Mannschaftssport
- Motorsport
- Profisport
- Radsport
- Rasensport
- Reitsport
- Schießsport
- Schneesport
- Seniorensport
- Sitzsport
- Spitzensport
- Sportanzug
- Sportart
- Sportartikel
- Sportarzt
- Sportbahn
- Sportbegeisterter
- sportbesessen
- Sportblessur
- Sportclub
- Sportfan
- Sportgerät
- Sportgeschäft
- Sporthalle
- Sportherz
- Sportjugend
- Sportklub
- Sportladen
- sportliebend
- Sportliebhaber
- Sportmannschaft
- Sportmedizin
- Sportmittel
- Sportplatz
- Sportschau
- Sportschütze
- Sportsendung
- Sportsitz
- Sportstunde
- Sporttermin
- sporttreibend
- Sporttreibender
- Sportunfall
- Sportveranstaltung
- Sportverband
- Sportverein
- Sportvereinigung
- Sportvergnügen
- Sportverletzung
- Sportwagen
- Sportwettkampf
- Sportzeitschrift
- Sportzuschauer
- Taubensport
- Vereinssport
- Volkssport
- Wassersport
- Wintersport
Further reading
- Sport in Duden online
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