From Middle High German stube, from Old High German stuba. Cognate with German Low German Stuäwe (dative Stuäwe, Stuäwen, plural Stuäwen), Stuowe (dative Stuowen) (Paderbornisch), Dutch stoof. Further origin uncertain. See stove for more.
- IPA(key): /ˈʃtuːbə/
Stube f (genitive Stube, plural Stuben, diminutive Stübchen n or Stüblein n)
- (regional) living room
- room (room used for a special purpose; the term is often found in compounds with somewhat old-fashioned character)
- parlour (a room used chiefly for representation purposes; often called gute Stube or the like)
- the heated part of a traditional farmhouse (as opposed to stables, kitchen, etc.)
- (military) bedroom in a barracks
Derived terms
- Stübchen
- Amtsstube
- Bierstube
- Dachstube
- Eßstube
- Gaststube
- Glockenstube
- gute Stube
- Imbissstube
- Kaffeestube
- Kinderstube
- Kleiderstube
- Nähstube
- Puppenstube
- Schankstube
- Schlafstube
- Schreibstube
- Speisestube
- Spielstube
- Wachstube
- Wärmestube
- Wartestube
- Wechselstube
- Weinstube
- Werkstube
- Werkzeugstube
- Wiegenstube
- Wohnstube
- Zollstube
Related terms
- Stubenarrest
- Stubenfenster
- Stubenfliege
- Stubenhocker
- Stubenmusik
See also
Further reading
- Stube in Duden online
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