See also: Ukraîne

Location of Ukraine (Crimea, controlled by Russia, is in light-green)
1651 Ukrain, 1671 Ukraine, 1688 Ucrania, Ukrania, 1762 Ocraine. Adaptation of Polish Ukraina, Russian Украи́на (Ukraína), or Ukrainian Украї́на (Ukrajína), from the specific use, originally meaning “borderland”, “marches” or “insideland”. From Old East Slavic ѹкраина (ukraina), from оу (u, “at”) + краи (krai, “edge”), or край (kraj, “land”). Details in Wikipedia: Name of Ukraine.
Proper noun
- A country in Eastern Europe; was long part of the Russian Empire, then of the Soviet Union.
- For quotations of use of this term, see Citations:Ukraine.
Usage notes
Since the country's independence in 1991, style guides recommend Ukraine (as in “a musician from Ukraine”), without an article. Previously, the most common usage was the Ukraine (as in “a musician from the Ukraine”).[1]
Related terms
Eastern European country
See also
- (countries of Europe) country of Europe; Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Vatican City
- Countries of the world
- Appendix:Place names in Ukraine
- Little Russia
- Ruthenia
- Tom Geoghegan (June 7, 2012), “Ukraine or the Ukraine: Why do some country names have 'the'?”, in BBC News Magazine, archived from the original on 28 October 2016, retrieved July 07, 2017
- IPA(key): /y.kʁɛn/
audio (file) Audio (file)
Proper noun
Ukraine f
- Ukraine
- 1731: Voltaire, Histoire de Charles XII, p 161:
- L’Ukraine a toujours aspiré à être libre : mais étant entourée de la Moscovie, des états du grand-seigneur, et de la Pologne, il lui a fallu chercher un protecteur, et par conséquent un maître dans l’un de ces trois états. Elle se mit d’abord sous la protection de la Pologne qui la traita trop en sujette : elle se donna depuis au Moscovite, qui la gouverna en esclave autant qu’il le put. D’abord les Ukrainiens jouirent du privilège d’élire un prince sous le nom de général ; mais bientôt ils furent dépouillés de ce droit, et leur général fut nommé par la cour de Moscou. (Ukraine has always aspired to be free: but being surrounded by Muscovy, the states of the Sultan, and Poland, a protector had to be sought, and consequently a master in one of these three states. She first put herself under the protection of Poland, who treated her too much as subject. She then gave herself to the Muscovite, who governed her as a slave as much as he could. At first the Ukrainians enjoyed the privilege of electing a prince under the name of general; but soon they were stripped of this right, and their general was appointed by the court of Moscow.)
- 1731: Voltaire, Histoire de Charles XII, p 161:
- IPA(key): /ukʁaˈiːnə/, /uˈkʁaɪ̯nə/
Audio (file)
Related terms
- Sowjetukraine, Sowjet-Ukraine
- Ukrainedeutscher
- Ukrainekonflikt
- Ukrainekrieg
- Ukrainer
- ukrainisch
- Ukrainisch
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