

Alternative forms


addition + -al


  • IPA(key): /əˈdɪʃənəl/
  • (file)


additional (not comparable)

  1. Supplemental or added to something.

Derived terms



additional (plural additionals)

  1. Something added.
    • 1614, Francis Bacon, “A Letter to the King touching Peacham’s Cause. January 27. 1614” in Resuscitatio, or, Bringing into publick light severall pieces of the works [] of Francis Bacon, London: William Lee, 1657, p. 49,
      For having received, from my Lord, an Additional, of great Importance; which was, that Owen, of his own Accord, after Examination, should compare the Case of your Majesty, (if you were Excommunicate,) to the Case, of a Prisoner, Condemned at the Barr; which Additional was subscribed by one Witness; but yet I perceived it was spoken aloud, and in the Hearing of others; I presently sent down a Copy thereof []
    • 1692, Anthony à Wood, Athenæ Oxonienses, London: Thomas Bennet, p. 248,
      [] having been well vers’d in British Histories, and a singular lover of Antiquities, [he] made many additionals to the Historie of Cambria published by Dav. Powell []
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