



  1. to discuss, to debate something (as a group), to exchange thoughts about something; reflexive form of apspriest
    ilgi apspriestiesto debate for a long time
    apspriesties par darba metodēmto discuss about work methods
    redakcijas kolēģija apspriežasthe Editorial Board was discussing (= having a discussion meeting)
    draugi apspriedās, ko tālāk darītthe friends discussed about what to do next
    pēc prokurora runas tiesa aizgāja apspriestiesafter the prosecutor's speech, the court adjourned to deliberate
  2. to consult (to talk with others in order to learn their opinion, advice)
    apspriesties ar ārstiem par savu veselības stāvoklito consult with the doctors about one's health condition
    palātas ārsts apspriedās ar konsultantiemthe hospital doctor consulted with his advisers


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