
See also: Cavendish



Possibly from the name of the original manufacturer.


cavendish (uncountable)

  1. Leaf tobacco softened, sweetened, and pressed into plugs or cakes.
    • 1919, Richard Harding Davis, The Exiles and Other Stories:
      "But the managers seem inclined to cut their cavendish very fine just at present," she said.
    • 1901, Charles Kingsley, Two Years Ago, Volume I:
      No man less; only he (not Vieuxbois, but his younger brother) has found a wide-awake cooler than an iron kettle, and travels by rail when he is at home; and when he was in the Crimea, rode a shaggy pony, and smoked cavendish all through the battle of Inkermann." "
    • 1896, Anonymous, The Ladies Book of Useful Information:
      Then burn equal parts of cavendish tobacco and old shoeleather in an iron vessel till charred.
    • 1868, George A. Lawrence, Guy Livingstone;:
      It was always an augury of foul weather in Livingstone's temper when, instead of the decent evening cigar, he smoked the short black brule-gueule, loaded to the muzzle with cavendish.
    • 1817, R.M. Ballantyne, The Pirate City:
      Come, I'll trate ye to a taste o' me cavendish, which is better than growlin' in yer hammock at the muskaities, poor things, as don't know no better."

Derived terms

  • cut cavendish: with the plugs cut into long shreds for smoking

Part or all of this entry has been imported from the 1913 edition of Webster’s Dictionary, which is now free of copyright and hence in the public domain. The imported definitions may be significantly out of date, and any more recent senses may be completely missing.
(See the entry for cavendish in
Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913.)

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