cop shop

See also: copshop



From cop (police officer) + shop (workplace).


  • (file)


cop shop (plural cop shops)

  1. (Britain, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, slang) A police station.
    • 1977-1984, Cop Shop (title of an Australian television series).
    • 2005, Steve Brewer, Boost, page 42:
      Billy Suggs spotted Sam standing outside the cop shop when he still was two blocks away.
    • 2007, Rachel Bramble, Stephanie Clover, page 47:
      “Could you go up the cop shop and bring Paul home again” said Heather.
    • 2011, Robert Watkins, A Face in the Crowd, page 40:
      He then drove up to the township and dragged me inside the cop shop.
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