
Etymology 1

di- (inceptive) + -Ø- (3rd person subject prefix) + -Ø- (classifier) + -nééh (imperfective stem of root -NÁ, “to migrate”).



  1. he/she starts to move (his/her household or residence) along

Paradigm: Momentaneous (Ø/si).

IMPERFECTIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person dishnééh diiʼnééh dadiiʼnééh
2nd person dínééh dohnééh dadohnééh
3rd person dinééh dadinééh
4th person jidinééh dazhdinééh
PERFECTIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person déná deeʼná dadeeʼná
2nd person díníná disooná dadisooná
3rd person deezná dadeezná
4th person jideezná dazhdeezná
FUTURE singular duoplural plural
1st person dideeshnééł didiiʼnééł dadidiiʼnééł
2nd person didíínééł didoohnééł dadidoohnééł
3rd person didoonééł dadidoonééł
4th person dizhdoonééł dazhdidoonééł



  1. young man, youth
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