


dzīvojams (def. dzīvojamais; adv. dzīvojami)

  1. livable, which can or should be lived (in); indefinite present passive participle of dzīvot 
  2. living, residential (which is useful as a dwelling; where it is possible to live)
    Kalinkas istaba vairāk atgādināja ratnīcu nekā dzīvojamo telpuKalinka's room was more reminiscent of a cart house (= garage) than of a living space
    tagad galvenais apbūves veids ir lielie dzīvojamie masīvinow the main type of building are large residential complexes
    starp zemajām vienstāva mājiņām pacēlušies piecstāvu dzīvojamie namibetween the two low one-storey houses a five-storey residential building was built


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