eins og alþjóð veit



From eins og (like) + alþjóð (the whole population of a nation) + veit (knows), the third person singular of vita (to know). Literally meaning "like the whole country knows".


eins og alþjóð veit

  1. (simile) as everybody knows, as is common knowledge, a hyperbolic statement insinuating the prominence or obviousness of a specific fact
    En þú ert, eins og alþjóð veit, feitur og heimskur.
    But you are as everybody knows, fat and stupid.
    Eins og alþjóð veit er ég alltaf svangur um hádegi, enda borða ég aldrei morgunmat.
    It's common knowlegde that I'm always hungry around noon since I never eat breakfast.
    • Icelandic Web of Science: Er mjólk holl? (“Is milk good for you?”)
      Einnig innihalda margar mjólkurvörur viðbættan sykur, en eins og alþjóð veit er sá bragðgóði orkugjafi óæskilegur.
      Many dairy products also include added sugar but as everybody knows, that tasty source of energy is undesirable.


See also

  • hámæli
  • þetta veit hvert mannsbarn
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