

the seed pods of honesty



Borrowed from Old French honesté (compare modern French honnêteté) (honest + -y); the plant, from the visibility of the seeds through the translucent pods.


  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /ˈɒnəsti/, /ˈɒnəstɪ/
    • (RP dated) IPA(key): /ˈɔːnɪstɪ/
  • (General American) IPA(key): /ˈɑːnəsti/
  • (file)


honesty (countable and uncountable, plural honesties)

  1. (uncountable, countable) The act, quality, or condition of being honest.
    academic / artistic / emotional / intellectual honesty
    brutal / devastating / searing honesty
    • c. 1594, William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, Act III, Scene 2,
      There’s no trust,
      No faith, no honesty in men; all perjured,
      All forsworn, all naught, all dissemblers.
    • 1787, George Colman, Junior, Inkle and Yarico, London: G.G.J. & J. Robinson, Act 2, p. 45,
      O give me your plain dealing Fellows
      Who never from honesty shrink;
      Not thinking on all they shou’d tell us,
      But telling us all that they think.
    • 1883, Oscar Wilde, The Duchess of Padua, London: Methuen, 5th edition, 1916, Act I, p. 20,
      [] Are you honest, boy?
      Then be not spendthrift of your honesty,
      But keep it to yourself; in Padua
      Men think that honesty is ostentatious, so
      It is not of the fashion.
    • 1965, George Steiner, “Dying is an Art” in Language and Silence: Essays on Language, Literature and the Inhuman, New York: Atheneum, 1986, p. 295,
      To those who knew her and to the greatly enlarged circle who were electrified by her last poems and sudden death, she had come to signify the specific honesties and risks of the poet’s condition.
  2. (uncountable, countable, obsolete) Honor; decency, propriety.
  3. (uncountable, countable, obsolete) Chastity.
    • c. 1600, William Shakespeare, The Merry Wives of Windsor, Act II, Scene 2,
      [] spend all I have; only give me so much of your time in exchange of it, as to lay an amiable siege to the honesty of this Ford’s wife []
    • c. 1625, John Fletcher, The Fair Maid of the Inn, Act V, Scene 1, in Alexander Dyce (editor), The Works of Beaumont and Fletcher, New York: Appleton, 1890, Volume 2, p. 669,
      [] Oh, these vild women,
      That are so ill preservers of men’s honours,
      They cannot govern their own honesties!
  4. (countable) Any of various crucifers in the genus Lunaria, several of which are grown as ornamentals.


Derived terms



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