


in- + evident


inevident (comparative more inevident, superlative most inevident)

  1. Not evident; obscure.
    • 1660, Joseph Hall, “Good Security: A Comfortable Discourse of the Christians Assurance of Heaven,” in The Shaking of the Olive-Tree: The Remaining Works of that Incomparable Prelate Joseph Hall, London: J. Crooke, p. 267,
      Our Schoolmen make distinction of a certainty, evident, and inevident. Evident, which ariseth out of the clearness of the object it self; and the necessary connection of the termes, as that the whole is greater then a part. Inevident, which arises not so much out of the intrinsecal truth of the proposition it self, as out of the veracity and infallibleness of the party that affirmes it.
    • 1750, Jeremiah Seed, “Sermon III. The usual Objections against Revelation, founded in Ignorance,” in The Posthumous Works of Jeremiah Seed, 2nd edition, Volume I, p. 83,
      [] the Deist assents to Things inevident in themselves, without any Ground or Reason at all; the Christian assents to Things inevident in themselves upon the Authority of God.
    • 1895, John Oliver Hobbes (pseudonym of Pearl Mary Teresa Craigie), The Gods, Some Mortals, and Lord Wickensham, New York: D. Appleton & Co., Chapter 12, p. 144,
      It was not within the compass of her imagination to even suspect the peril she had escaped, nor was it in the measure of her nature to gauge the inevident strength of the man she thought so destitute of virility.
    • 1948, Ernest Nicole, Normal and Abnormal Psychology, London: George Allen & Unwin, Part Two, Chapter One, pp. 39-40,
      [] suppose a man grows up with a strong sense of guilt that provides him with a constant though inevident stress, and then he later suffers a serious bereavement in consequence of which he develops a state of acute depression characterised by delusions of sin and unworthiness. The bereavement accounts for the occurrence of the depression, but it affords no explanation as to why the accompanying delusions are of unworthiness []

Derived terms

  • inevidently
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