See also: leja
- down, downward; at, to(ward) the bottom, or a lower area; to(ward) the ground
- viņš gaida lejā pie izejas ― he is waiting down by the exit
- “nāc lejā”! Juris sauc augšup ― come down! Juris called up
- ar skaļiem urā saucieniem zēni skriešus metās no kalna lejā uz purva pusi ― with loud hooray shouts the boys ran down the hill to the swamp side
- Oskars paņēma spaini un gāja lejā uz Daugavu ― Oskars took a bucket and went down to the Daugava (river)
- Harijs uzrāpās siena kaudzē un atvēris lietussargu, abām rokām sažņaudzis gludo kātu, lēca lejā ― Harrijs climbed a haystack and opened an umbrella, held the smooth handle tight with both hands, and jumped down
- kad elektroniskais lifts mani nonesīs lejā, es kļūšu atkal parasta, ikdienišķa ― when the electronic lift takes me down (to the ground level), I will again become ordinary, mundane
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