meo more


WOTD – 27 July 2017


Borrowed from Latin meō mōre (as is my custom).



meo more (not comparable)

  1. (rare or obsolete) As is my wont (custom, habit).
    • 1755 March 25, John Rutty, A Spiritual Diary, and Soliloquies, 2nd edition, London: Printed and sold by James Phillips, George Yard, Lombard Street, published 1796, OCLC 225304044, page 27:
      Faſted, meo more, on account of indigeſtion and gripes.
    • 1803 September 9, Robert Isaac Wilberforce; Samuel Wilberforce, quoting William Wilberforce, The Life of William Wilberforce. [...] In Five Volumes, volume III, 2nd edition, London: John Murray, Albemarle Street, published 1839, OCLC 505121703, page 122:
      Destined this day for fast-day, meo more, with that degree of abstinence which may best qualify my weak body to go through the day without molesting the soul.
    • 1864 July 26, P[hilip] H[enry] Gosse, “An Amateur’s Pencillings: The Bromeliaceæ”, in George W[illiam] Johnson and Robert Hogg, editors, The Journal of Horticulture, Cottage Gardener, and Country Gentleman: A Magazine of Gardening, Rural and Domestic Economy, Botany and Natural History, volume VII (New Series; volume XXXII, Old Series), number 174 (New Series; number 826, Old Series), London: Published for the proprietors, 171, Fleet Street, OCLC 644095011, page 64, column 2:
      I will, meo more, tell you the story of one [plant] which has just delighted me and my household, and has won golden opinions from wondering and admiring friends.


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