See also: Mihi
Borrowed from Maori.
- (Classical) IPA(key): /ˈmi.hi/, [ˈmɪ.hɪ]
- (Ecclesiastical) IPA(key): /ˈmi.ki/, [ˈmiː.ki]
Audio (Classical) (file)
- Dative form of ego, indirect object form
- 4th century, St Jerome, Vulgate, Tobit 3:19
- et aut ego indigna fui illis aut illi mihi forsitan digni non fuerunt quia forsitan viro alio conservasti me (And either I was unworthy of them, or they perhaps were not worthy of me: because perhaps thou hast kept me for another man,)
See also
- mihi in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
- Carl Meissner; Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
- I have no time to do something: tempus mihi deest ad aliquid faciendum
- I cannot wait till..: nihil mihi longius est or videtur quam dum or quam ut
- nothing is more tiresome to me than..: nihil mihi longius est quam (c. Inf.)
- to cherish as the apple of one's eye: aliquis est mihi in oculis
- if I live till then: si vita mihi suppeditat
- to be hardly able to restrain one's tears: vix mihi tempero quin lacrimem
- I cannot sleep for anxiety: curae somnum mihi adimunt, dormire me non sinunt
- I dreamed I saw..: in somnis visus (mihi) sum videre
- I saw a vision in my dreams: species mihi dormienti oblata est
- if anything should happen to me; if I die: si quid (humanitus) mihi accidat or acciderit
- I have not yet committed myself: res mihi integra est
- it is no longer in my power: mihi non est integrum, ut...
- my wishes are being fulfilled: optata mihi contingunt
- I am on good terms with a person: est or intercedit mihi cum aliquo amicitia
- I am on bad terms with a person: sunt or intercedunt mihi cum aliquo inimicitiae
- my best friend: amicissimus meus or mihi
- my most intimate acquaintance: homo intimus, familiarissimus mihi
- a thing meets with my approval: res mihi probatur
- to be in every one's mouth: in ore omnium or omnibus (hominum or hominibus, but only mihi, tibi, etc.) esse
- an idea strikes me: illud succurrit mihi
- something comes into my mind: mihi in mentem venit alicuius rei
- according to my opinion: ut mihi quidem videtur
- a thing has happened contrary to my expectation: aliquid mihi nec opinanti, insperanti accidit
- a doubt arises in my mind: dubitatio mihi affertur, inicitur
- one thing still makes me hesitate: unus mihi restat scrupulus (Ter. Andr. 5. 4. 37) (cf. too religio, sect. XI. 2)
- I am quite certain on the point: mihi exploratum est, exploratum (certum) habeo
- I am persuaded, convinced: mihi persuasum est
- I am persuaded, convinced: mihi persuasi
- I am resolved; it is my intention: in animo habeo or mihi est in animo c. Inf.
- I am determined: certum (mihi) est
- I am firmly resolved: stat mihi sententia (Liv. 21. 30.)
- I have not made up my mind: mihi non constat (with indirect question)
- I intend, propose to..: propositum est mihi c. Inf.
- I have a point to discuss with you: res mihi tecum est
- I agree with you there: hoc mihi tecum convēnit (Att. 6. 1. 14)
- I have nothing to write about: deest mihi argumentum ad scribendum (Att. 9. 7. 7)
- I have abundance to say: res (opp. verba) mihi suppetit
- my subject grows as I write: materia mihi crescit
- a theme, subject proposed for discussion: id quod (mihi) propositum est
- the task I have put before myself is..: mihi propositum est c. Inf. (or mihi proposui, ut)
- the question has forced itself on my mind: quaerendum esse mihi visum est
- to be engaged on a book: liber mihi est in manibus
- something harasses me, makes me anxious: aliquid me sollicitat, me sollicitum habet, mihi sollicitudini est, mihi sollicitudinem affert
- I am content to..: satis habeo, satis mihi est c. Inf.
- some one's death has plunged me in grief: mors alicuius luctum mihi attulit
- somebody, something is never absent from my thoughts: aliquis, aliquid mihi curae or cordi est
- there is nothing I am more interested in than..: nihil antiquius or prius habeo quam ut (nihil mihi antiquius or potius est, quam ut)
- my relations with him are most hospitable: mihi cum illo hospitium est, intercedit
- I am always welcome at his house: domus patet, aperta est mihi
- to be on friendly terms with a person: est mihi consuetudo, or usus cum aliquo
- I have received a legacy from a person: hereditas ad me or mihi venit ab aliquo (Verr. 2. 1. 10)
- I have a few words to say on this: mihi quaedam dicenda sunt de hac re
- believe me: mihi crede (not crede mihi)
- I have no time to do something: tempus mihi deest ad aliquid faciendum
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