
See also: Mihi



Borrowed from Maori.


mihi (plural mihis)

  1. A greeting, in Maori culture.
    • 1948, Eric Ramsden, Sir Apirana Ngata and Maori Culture (page 86)
      After acknowledging the mihis of the various speakers, and thanking the donors for their gift, the guest of honour spoke as follows in English: []



From Proto-Basque *bini.



  1. tongue




  1. water



Alternative forms

  • (colloquial, poetic)
  • michi (Medieval Latin)


  • (Classical) IPA(key): /ˈmi.hi/, [ˈmɪ.hɪ]
  • (Ecclesiastical) IPA(key): /ˈmi.ki/, [ˈmiː.ki]
  • (file)



  1. Dative form of ego, indirect object form
    • c. 200 BCE – 190 BCE, Plautus, Captivi :
      Eho dic mihi, quis illic igitur est?
      Hey? Tell me, who is he then?
    • 4th century, St Jerome, Vulgate, Tobit 3:19
      et aut ego indigna fui illis aut illi mihi forsitan digni non fuerunt quia forsitan viro alio conservasti me (And either I was unworthy of them, or they perhaps were not worthy of me: because perhaps thou hast kept me for another man,)
    Marcus mihi librum dedit.
    Marcus gave the book to me.


  • Catalan: mi
  • Galician: me
  • Italian: mi
  • Portuguese: me
  • Romanian: mie
  • Spanish: me

See also


  • mihi in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • Carl Meissner; Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
    • I have no time to do something: tempus mihi deest ad aliquid faciendum
    • I cannot wait till..: nihil mihi longius est or videtur quam dum or quam ut
    • nothing is more tiresome to me than..: nihil mihi longius est quam (c. Inf.)
    • to cherish as the apple of one's eye: aliquis est mihi in oculis
    • if I live till then: si vita mihi suppeditat
    • to be hardly able to restrain one's tears: vix mihi tempero quin lacrimem
    • I cannot sleep for anxiety: curae somnum mihi adimunt, dormire me non sinunt
    • I dreamed I saw..: in somnis visus (mihi) sum videre
    • I saw a vision in my dreams: species mihi dormienti oblata est
    • if anything should happen to me; if I die: si quid (humanitus) mihi accidat or acciderit
    • I have not yet committed myself: res mihi integra est
    • it is no longer in my power: mihi non est integrum, ut...
    • my wishes are being fulfilled: optata mihi contingunt
    • I am on good terms with a person: est or intercedit mihi cum aliquo amicitia
    • I am on bad terms with a person: sunt or intercedunt mihi cum aliquo inimicitiae
    • my best friend: amicissimus meus or mihi
    • my most intimate acquaintance: homo intimus, familiarissimus mihi
    • a thing meets with my approval: res mihi probatur
    • to be in every one's mouth: in ore omnium or omnibus (hominum or hominibus, but only mihi, tibi, etc.) esse
    • an idea strikes me: illud succurrit mihi
    • something comes into my mind: mihi in mentem venit alicuius rei
    • according to my opinion: ut mihi quidem videtur
    • a thing has happened contrary to my expectation: aliquid mihi nec opinanti, insperanti accidit
    • a doubt arises in my mind: dubitatio mihi affertur, inicitur
    • one thing still makes me hesitate: unus mihi restat scrupulus (Ter. Andr. 5. 4. 37) (cf. too religio, sect. XI. 2)
    • I am quite certain on the point: mihi exploratum est, exploratum (certum) habeo
    • I am persuaded, convinced: mihi persuasum est
    • I am persuaded, convinced: mihi persuasi
    • I am resolved; it is my intention: in animo habeo or mihi est in animo c. Inf.
    • I am determined: certum (mihi) est
    • I am firmly resolved: stat mihi sententia (Liv. 21. 30.)
    • I have not made up my mind: mihi non constat (with indirect question)
    • I intend, propose to..: propositum est mihi c. Inf.
    • I have a point to discuss with you: res mihi tecum est
    • I agree with you there: hoc mihi tecum convēnit (Att. 6. 1. 14)
    • I have nothing to write about: deest mihi argumentum ad scribendum (Att. 9. 7. 7)
    • I have abundance to say: res (opp. verba) mihi suppetit
    • my subject grows as I write: materia mihi crescit
    • a theme, subject proposed for discussion: id quod (mihi) propositum est
    • the task I have put before myself is..: mihi propositum est c. Inf. (or mihi proposui, ut)
    • the question has forced itself on my mind: quaerendum esse mihi visum est
    • to be engaged on a book: liber mihi est in manibus
    • something harasses me, makes me anxious: aliquid me sollicitat, me sollicitum habet, mihi sollicitudini est, mihi sollicitudinem affert
    • I am content to..: satis habeo, satis mihi est c. Inf.
    • some one's death has plunged me in grief: mors alicuius luctum mihi attulit
    • somebody, something is never absent from my thoughts: aliquis, aliquid mihi curae or cordi est
    • there is nothing I am more interested in than..: nihil antiquius or prius habeo quam ut (nihil mihi antiquius or potius est, quam ut)
    • my relations with him are most hospitable: mihi cum illo hospitium est, intercedit
    • I am always welcome at his house: domus patet, aperta est mihi
    • to be on friendly terms with a person: est mihi consuetudo, or usus cum aliquo
    • I have received a legacy from a person: hereditas ad me or mihi venit ab aliquo (Verr. 2. 1. 10)
    • I have a few words to say on this: mihi quaedam dicenda sunt de hac re
    • believe me: mihi crede (not crede mihi)




  1. A welcome
  2. A speech made to welcome somebody



  1. To welcome.
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