


From Middle English misdon, from Old English misdōn (to do evil, transgress, do amiss, err), from Proto-Germanic *missadōną (to do wrongly), from *missa- (mis-), *dōną (to do). Corresponding to mis- + do. Cognate with Old Frisian misdūa (to misdo), Dutch misdoen (to offend, do wrongly), Middle Low German misdōn (to misdo), Middle High German missetuon (to transgress, offend, blame). More at mis-, do.


  • (UK) IPA(key): /mɪsˈduː/


misdo (third-person singular simple present misdoes, present participle misdoing, simple past misdid, past participle misdone)

  1. (archaic, intransitive) To do evil.
  2. (transitive) To do (something) incorrectly or improperly.
    • Milton
      Afford me place to show what recompense / Towards thee I intend for what I have misdone.
  3. (archaic, transitive) To do harm to; to injure, mistreat.
    • 1485, Sir Thomas Malory, chapter xij, in Le Morte Darthur, book V:
      thēne cam out a duchesse / & Clarysyn the countesse with many ladyes & damoysels / and knelyng bifore kynge Arthur requyred hym for the loue of god to receyue the cyte / & not to take it by assaulte for thenne shold many gyltles be slayne / thēne the kyng aualyd his vyser with a meke & noble coūtenaūce / & said madame ther shal none of my subgettys mysdoo you ne your maydens


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