

na- (atelic, circuital) + -Ø- (3rd person subject prefix) + -Ø- (classifier) + -né (continuative imperfective stem of root -NEʼ, “to play”).



  1. he/she is playing
    Amásání doo naanée da!Grandma don’t play!
    Bee naané.He plays with it (a toy); he plays it (a musical instrument).
    Bił naané.He plays with him (a person).
  2. he/she is teasing


Paradigm: Continuative (Ø/si).

IMPERFECTIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person naashné neiiʼné nideiiʼné
2nd person naniné naahné nidaahné
3rd person naané nidaané
4th person nijiné nidajiné
PERFECTIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person niséneʼ nisiiʼneʼ nidasiiʼneʼ
2nd person nisíníneʼ nisooneʼ nidasooneʼ
3rd person naazneʼ nidaazneʼ
4th person nijizneʼ nidajizneʼ
FUTURE singular duoplural plural
1st person ndeeshneeł nidiiʼneeł ndadiiʼneeł
2nd person ndííneeł nidoohneeł ndadoohneeł
3rd person ndooneeł ndadooneeł
4th person nizhdooneeł ndazhdooneeł
ITERATIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person nináshʼneeh ninéiiʼneeh ninádeiiʼneeh
2nd person nináníʼneeh nináhʼneeh ninádaahʼneeh
3rd person nináʼneeh ninádaaʼneeh
4th person ninájíʼneeh ninádajiʼneeh
OPTATIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person naooshneʼ naooʼneʼ ndaooʼneʼ
2nd person naóóneʼ naoohneʼ ndaoohneʼ
3rd person naooneʼ ndaooneʼ
4th person njóneʼ ndajóneʼ
  • FUTURE: -neeł
  • PERFECTIVE: -neʼ
  • ITERATIVE: -neeh
  • OPTATIVE: -neʼ
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