

WOTD – 13 August 2016


Borrowed from Late Latin natatorium, noun use of the neuter singular of Latin natātōrius (for swimming; natatory).


  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /neɪtəˈtɔːɹɪəm/
  • (file)
  • (General American) IPA(key): /ne͡ɪtəˈtɔːɹi.əm/, /nætə-/, /næɾə-/
  • (file)
  • Hyphenation: na‧ta‧tor‧i‧um


natatorium (plural natatoriums or natatoria)

  1. (US) A swimming pool, especially an indoor one; a building housing one or more swimming pools.
    • 1860, Paul B. Goddard [et al.], To Philadelphians on Behalf of the Natatorium & Physical Institute, Philadelphia, Pa.: J. B. Chandler, printer, 306 & 308 Chestnut Street, Girard Building, OCLC 34975701, page 16:
      This Association shall be known by the name, style and title of "The Natatorium and Institute for Scientific Instruction in the Improvement of the Physical Powers," and shall have for its object the attainment by scientific inquiry and investigation of the most desirable and beneficial mode of physical exercise, and by the scientific use of natatorial, orthopedic, gymnastic and such other physical exercise as may be prescribed by the By-Laws of this Association, to improve the health and physical condition of those who may avail themselves of the advantages of this Natatorium and Institution, in conformity with the terms of its By-Laws.
    • 1915, The Playground, volume 9, New York, N.Y.: Executive Committee of the Playground Association of America, OCLC 1762485, pages 124 and 126:
      [page 124] Although the five public natatoriums in Milwaukee now accommodate about 1,200,000 bathers per annum, they are capable of serving 400,000 more people a year than at present. [] [page 126] [O]ne of the best ways to reform an unruly gang is to get them to be devoted to a vigorous, manly man. There seems to be very little of this spirit in the present natatoriums. This is due in part to the swarms in which the boys come to the pool whenever it is open to them.
    • 1949, Griffenhagen & Associates, City of Milwaukee Report, [Chicago, Ill.], OCLC 769704868, page 10:
      Although the public does not pay an admission fee for the privilege of using natatoria facilities, the city charges ten cents for towels and soap, and ten cents for the rental of swimming trunks and bathing suits. In 1948 total revenues were $20,284 from this source for all natatoria.
    • 1999, Dan Cisco, Hawai'i Sports: History, Facts, and Statistics, Honolulu, Hi.: University of Hawaii Press, →ISBN, page 293:
      THE WAIKIKI NATATORIUM'S FIRST EVENT. An outdoor, oceanside pool was envisioned as part of the Waikiki War Memorial Park, which honored Hawaii's soldiers killed in World War I. [] In 1927 the facility opened and became known as the Waikiki Natatorium. The 40 × 110-yard Natatorium was the world's largest open-ocean swim stadium.
    • 2006, Thomas Pynchon, Against the Day, New York, N.Y.: Penguin Press, ISBN 978-1-59420-120-2; republished London: Vintage Books, 2007, ISBN 978-0-09-951233-2, page 226:
      A sunken chamber almost like a natatorium at some hot-springs resort, so cool and dim that you forgot after a while about the desert waiting out there to resume for you as soon as you stepped back into it. []
    • 2009, National Intramural-Recreational Sports Association, Campus Recreational Sports Facilities: Planning, Design, and Construction Guidelines, Champaign, Ill.: Human Kinetics, →ISBN, page 58:
      Natatoria are often programmed as part of Rec centers. Like gymnasiums, natatoria may be of many different sizes, but they require large clear-span structures. In addition, swimming pools have specific requirements for soil conditions and foundation systems, as well as spatial relationships with equipment rooms and locker rooms. [] These unique features make it very unlikely that an existing building can be transformed into a natatorium for less cost than building new. If the other desired program elements can be adequately developed within existing space, the natatorium piece might be a sensible addition or future phase.





  1. inflection of natātōrius:
    1. accusative masculine singular
    2. nominative neuter singular
    3. accusative neuter singular
    4. vocative neuter singular


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