opin sauna



opin (learning) + sauna (sauna); literally: "sauna of learning".


opin sauna

  1. (idiomatic, archaic) The school, as institution.
    ...ja niin joutuivat veljekset opin saunaan.
    ...and so had the brothers to enter the school.


Inflection of opin sauna (Kotus type 9/kala, no gradation)
nominative opin sauna
genitive opin saunan
partitive opin saunaa
illative opin saunaan
singular plural
nominative opin sauna
accusative nom. opin sauna
gen. opin saunan
genitive opin saunan
partitive opin saunaa
inessive opin saunassa
elative opin saunasta
illative opin saunaan
adessive opin saunalla
ablative opin saunalta
allative opin saunalle
essive opin saunana
translative opin saunaksi
abessive opin saunatta
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