


palliate + -or


palliator (plural palliators)

  1. An apologist; one who justifies or excuses atrocities by citing extenuating circumstances or positive aspects.
    • 1835 September, J. C. Bluett, “Duelling; or, the Laws of Honoiur examined upon Principles of Common Sense and Revealed Truth”, in Colburn's New Monthly Magazine, volume 45, number 177, page 377:
      We never have been, are not, and never will be, directly or indirectly, the apologists or palliators of duelling.
    • 1852, Sir Archibald Alison, Epitome of Alison's History of Europe, page 251:
      He was unquestionably the ablest debater that the British parliament ever produced, but his fame has not, like that of his great opponent, stood the test of time ; and the present generation, removed from the fascination of his fervid eloquence, can scarcely applaud the political penetration of the eulogist of the French Revolution, and the palliator of its atrocious excesses.
    • 2008, Lydia Child, An Appeal in Favor of That Class of Americans Called Africans, →ISBN:
      The palliator of slavery assures the abolitionists that their benevolence is perfectly quixotic — that the negroes are happy and contented, and have no desire to change their lot.
  2. Someone or something that palliates; A person or thing that sooths or reduces difficulties.
    • 1810, Louisa Sidney Stanhope, Di Montranzo; or the novice of Corpus domini, page 261:
      The only charm within the hated walls of my prison had ceased to exist ; the galling chain of slavery threatened to crush me — for the soother, the palliator, the dear, dear friend of my bosom no longer felt a participation in in my sorrows.
    • 1911, Hildric Davenport, The Opinion Shop, page 33:
      A sense of humour is man's true palliator.
    • 2012, Richard Ronald & ‎Marja Elsinga, Beyond Home Ownership: Housing, Welfare and Society, →ISBN:
      Insofar as home ownership may exacerbate the impact of ageing populations by facilitating lower participation rates for older workers, the same features of home ownership also provide a potential palliator.
  3. (medicine) A medical professional who provides palliative care.
    • 1892, The Medical Advance - Volumes 28-29, page 269:
      I dislike to be a tinker; a mere palliator and work in line with old women. Years ago I found that patients were on and off the doctor's books indefinitely, and I grew tired of seeing them reappear, and I sought and found a better way to get rid of them.
    • 1994 March, Volker Diehl, “Controversies in terminal cancer care”, in Supportive Care in Cancer, volume 2, number 2:
      The worst motivation and professional circumstances for the palliator would be the slowly dawning frustration of a scientifically orientated doctor who realizes the failure of a scientific career.
    • 2002, David Jeffrey, Teaching Palliative Care: A Practical Guide, →ISBN, page 25:
      This is a useful ending exercise where groups of three to six each have a sheet of flip chart paper and a felt tipped pen. They then draw a mythical palliator who, for example, might have big ears for listening, broad shoulders for taking anger, leaning forward with head titlted looking sympathetic...and so on.
  4. (medicine) A device that allows a patient to control the amount of pain medication that is added into an intravenous drip; infusion pump.
    • 1984, John N. Lunn, Quality of Care in Anaesthetic Practice, →ISBN, page 174:
      A more sophisticated device is the Newcastle interactive palliator, in which a continuous low-dose intravenous infusion is combined with patient-operated demand increment.
    • 1989 July, JM Cundy, “Subcutaneous ketamine analgesia: postoperative analgesia using subcutaneous infusions of ketamine and morphine”, in Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, volume 71, number 4:
      While my normal practice is to explain the system to the patient preoperatively, it is not necessary to show the palliator to the patient at this time, and patients can operate PCA satisfactorily where no preoperative instruction has been possible.
    • 2012, Stuart L. Stanton, Principles of Gynaecological Surgery, →ISBN, page 77:
      Intravenous drugs may be given by drip, syringe pump or in special apparatus such as the Cardiff palliator (Evans et al. 1976).
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