


perustus (foundation) + laki (law, act)


  • Hyphenation: pe‧rus‧tus‧la‧ki



  1. (law) constitution (a legal document describing the formal system of primary principles and laws that regulates a government or other institutions)


Inflection of perustuslaki (Kotus type 5/risti, k- gradation)
nominative perustuslaki perustuslait
genitive perustuslain perustuslakien
partitive perustuslakia perustuslakeja
illative perustuslakiin perustuslakeihin
singular plural
nominative perustuslaki perustuslait
accusative nom. perustuslaki perustuslait
gen. perustuslain
genitive perustuslain perustuslakien
partitive perustuslakia perustuslakeja
inessive perustuslaissa perustuslaeissa
elative perustuslaista perustuslaeista
illative perustuslakiin perustuslakeihin
adessive perustuslailla perustuslaeilla
ablative perustuslailta perustuslaeilta
allative perustuslaille perustuslaeille
essive perustuslakina perustuslakeina
translative perustuslaiksi perustuslaeiksi
instructive perustuslaein
abessive perustuslaitta perustuslaeitta
comitative perustuslakeineen

Usage notes

  • In the Finnish statutory hierarchy, the perustuslaki is the statute superior to a laki 'act', which in turn is superior to an asetus 'decree'. In other words, the provisions of the perustuslaki take precedence over the provisions of a laki and an asetus, and the provisions of a laki take precedence over the provisions of an asetus.

Derived terms


See also

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