From pie- + derēt (“to fit, to match”).
piederēt intr. + dat., 3rd conj., pres. piederu, piederi, pieder, past piederēju
- to belong (to be someone's property)
- māja pieder tēvam ― the house belongs to father
- viņam pieder mašīna ― a car belongs to him (= he owns a car)
- zēnam pieder velosipēds ― a bicycle belongs to the boy (= he owns a bicycle)
- kādam saimniekam piederēja varens, balts kuilis ― to every farmer belonged a mighty white pig (= every farmer owned a mighty white pig)
- to belong (to be someone's creation, achievement)
- viņam pieder šīs dzejas rindas ― these verses belong to him
- šis ierosinājums piederēja viņam ― this suggestion belonged to him
- kam pieder šī ideja? ― to whom does this idea belong?
- sportistam pieder pasaules rekords augstlēkšanā ― the world record in high jump belongs to (this) athlete
- to belong (to be rightfully under the control of someone)
- viņam šajā jautājumā pieder pēdējais vārds ― in this topic, the last word belongs to him
- Kārlis Markss pilsoņu tiesības vēlēt tautas pārstāvības iestādes atzina par visaugstākajām tiesībām, kādas vien var pilsoņiem piederēt ― Karl Marx considered the right of citizens to choose the institutions that represent the people the highest right that can belong to citizens
- to belong (to be included in some system, classification, group, etc.)
- piederēt pie strādnieku šķiras ― to belong to the working class
- egles pieder pie priežu dzimtes ― firs belong to the pine family
- fosfors pieder pie nemetāliem ― phosphorus belongs to the non-metals
- stāsts “Negaisu stepe” pieder pie autobiogrāfiskā rakstura darbiem ― the story “Storm steppe” belongs to the works of autobiographical character
- viņa piederēja pie tiem retajiem, kas prot klausīties ― she belonged to those rare (people) who know (how) to listen
- piederu pie studentu saimes, un tāpēc mani draugi ir viņu vidū ― I belong to the family (= class) of students, and because of that my friends are (also) in it (i.e., also students)
- to belong (to be on intimate terms with someone, to have a relationship with someone)
- kas man tika, kas mīlēja, / tam es pati piederēju ― he who pleased me, who loved me, / to him I belonged
- viņš negribēja precēt sievieti, kas bija piederējusi citam ― he didn't want to marry a woman who had belonged to another
- (in the 3rd person, usually piederēties) to befit, to be appropriate
- piederēja ganiņam zaļa rīkste rociņā ― a green rod befitted the little shepherd
conjugation of piederēt
Derived terms
- piederēties
- piederība
- piederīgs
- piederums
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