

Alternative forms


Abbreviation of quadrangle; originally (17th century) referring to the quadrangles of Newgate Prison, London.


  • Rhymes: -ɒd


quod (plural quods)

  1. (countable) A quadrangle or court, as of a prison; a prison.
    • 1863, Punch, quoted in 1995, Seán McConville, English Local Prisons, 1860-1900: Next Only to Death, page 69,
      [] not the poorer classes merely, but the rich will be desirous to enjoy the mingled luxury and comfort of a gaol: and we shall hear of blasé Swells become burglars and garotters as a prelude to a prison, and, instead of taking tours for restoration of their health, recruiting it more cheaply by a residence in quod.
    • 1878, John Wrathall Bull, Early Experiences of Colonial Life in South Australia, page 264,
      [] and declined their escort, desiring to be conducted to “quod” by the gallant South Australian police, [] .
    • 2000, R.I.C. Publications, Workbook E: Society and Environment, page 48,
      From 1855-1903 a chapel was built, the boat shed and holding cell constructed, Government House was constructed as a summer residence for the Governor and the Quod (slang for prison) was constructed.
    • 2006, Pip Wilson, Faces in the Street: Louisa and Henry Lawson and the Castlereagh Street Push, page 202,
      Pity McNamara′s still doing his stretch in the quod, but he′ll be out soon.
  2. (uncountable, Australia, slang) Confinement in a prison.
    • c. 1894, Acquaintance of Norman Lindsay, quoted in 2005, James Cockington, Banned: Tales From the Bizarre History of Australian Obscenity, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, paperback →ISBN, page 7,
      I don′t suppose you'll get more than a couple of months′ quod for them.




  1. (obsolete) Quoth.
    • 14thC, Geoffrey Chaucer, The Summoner′s Prologue and Tale, The Canterbury Tales, 2009, Robert Boenig, Andrew Taylor (editors), The Canterbury Tales: A Selection, page 190,
      “No fors,” quod he, “but tel me al youre grief.”
    • 1563, John Foxe, Actes and Monuments, 1868, The Church Historians of England: Reformation Period, Volume 8, Part 1, page 422,
      “Why,” quod her friend, “would ye not willingly have gone with your company, if God should so have suffered it?”
    • 1908, James Gairdner, Lollardy and the Reformation in England: An Historical Survey, 2010, Cambridge University Press, page 416,
      “And therefore I have granted to their request,” quod the King; [] .



Inflection of quī (who, which), corresponding to Proto-Indo-European *kʷod, whence also Old English hwæt (English what).


  • (Classical) IPA(key): /kʷod/, [kʷɔd]
  • (file)



  1. nominative neuter singular of quī
  2. accusative neuter singular of quī



  1. which
  2. because
  3. until
  4. (Medieval Latin) that (in indirect discourse)
    Dico me scire et quod sum ignobilis.I devote to know me also because I am unknown.


  • Aromanian:
  • Dalmatian: co
  • Friulian: che
  • Istriot: che


  • quod in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • quod in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • quod in Charles du Fresne du Cange’s Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition, 1883–1887)
  • quod in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire Illustré Latin-Français, Hachette
  • Carl Meissner; Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
    • (ambiguous) to fail to see what lies before one: quod ante pedes est or positum est, non videre
    • (ambiguous) the rest of one's life: quod reliquum est vitae
    • (ambiguous) it is most fortunate that..: peropportune accidit, quod
    • (ambiguous) you were right in...; you did right to..: recte, bene fecisti quod...
    • (ambiguous) a thing which is rather (very) dubious: quod aliquam (magnam) dubitationem habet (Leg. Agr. 1. 4. 11)
    • (ambiguous) as far as I know: quod sciam
    • (ambiguous) he attained his object: id quod voluit consecutus est
    • (ambiguous) he attained his object: ad id quod voluit pervenit
    • (ambiguous) a proof of this is that..: argumento huic rei est, quod
    • (ambiguous) the point at issue: id, de quo agitur or id quod cadit in controversiam
    • (ambiguous) a digression, episode: quod ornandi causa additum est
    • (ambiguous) I have nothing to write about: non habeo, non est quod scribam
    • (ambiguous) a theme, subject proposed for discussion: id quod (mihi) propositum est
    • (ambiguous) a theme, subject proposed for discussion: id quod quaerimus (quaeritur)
    • (ambiguous) a theme, subject proposed for discussion: institutum or id quod institui
    • (ambiguous) as the proverb says: ut or quod or quomodo aiunt, ut or quemadmodum dicitur
    • (ambiguous) I am pained, vexed, sorry: aegre, graviter, moleste fero aliquid (or with Acc. c. Inf. or quod)
    • (ambiguous) and may God grant success: quod deus bene vertat!
    • (ambiguous) and may heaven avert the omen! heaven preserve us from this: quod di immortales omen avertant! (Phil. 44. 11)
    • (ambiguous) God forbid: quod abominor! (procul absit!)
    • (ambiguous) may heaven's blessing rest on it: quod bonum, faustum, felix, fortunatumque sit! (Div. 1. 45. 102)
    • (ambiguous) I will give you my true opinion: dicam quod sentio
    • (ambiguous) without wishing to boast, yet..: quod vere praedicare possum
    • (ambiguous) which I can say without offence, arrogance: quod non arroganter dixerim
    • (ambiguous) to except the fact that..: praeterquam quod or nisi quod
    • (ambiguous) the main point: id quod maximum, gravissimum est
    • (ambiguous) the main point: quod caput est
    • (ambiguous) what is more important: quod maius est
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