


From rūpe (care, worry) + -īgs.


rūpīgs (definite rūpīgais, comparative rūpīgāks, superlative visrūpīgākais, adverb rūpīgi)

  1. caring, providing (who cares, provides for someone, who takes care of, looks after someone, something)
    rūpīgs tēvscaring father
    Visvaldis bija ļoti rūpīgs pret RūtuVisvaldis was very caring, attentive with respect to Rūta
    viņa ir gādīga un rūpīga māte savām meitāmshe is a caring, attentive mother to her daughters
  2. careful, attentive (who is clean, tidy, precise, who has a responsible attitude to work, duty; that which expresses these qualities)
    rūpīgs strādniekscareful worker
    rūpīgs darbscareful work
    rūpīgi pētījumicareful research
    Duburs bijis rūpīgs un prasīgs režisorsDuburs has been a careful and demanding director
    Ēvaldam bija patīkami, ka traktorists, ar kuru nāksies kopā strādāt vairākus mēnešus, ir tik rūpīgs un uzmanīgsit pleased Ēvalds that the tractor driver with whom it would be necessary to work together for several months is so careful and attentive



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