
A rationale (vestment) of a style used by the Catholic church
rationale (plural rationales)
- An explanation of the basis or fundamental reasons for something.
- A justification or rationalization for something.
- (explanation): reasoning, rationalization
- (justification): reasoning
explanation of the basis or fundamental reasons
justification or rationalization
rationale (plural rationales)
- (rare, religion) A liturgical vestment worn by some Christian bishops of various denominations.
- The website of the Passionist Fathers of southern Germany and Austria has recently posted some photographs of the opening of the Holy Door in the Diocese of Eichstätt, Germany, which are reproduced here by their very kind permission. In them, the local bishop, H.E. Gregor Maria Hanke, is shown wearing that rarest of liturgical garments, the rationale.
- the nominative singular neuter of ratiōnālis (“rational, of reason”)
- the vocative singular neuter of ratiōnālis (“rational, of reason”)
- the accusative singular neuter of ratiōnālis (“rational, of reason”)
- The breastplate worn by Israelite high priests (Translation of λογεῖον (logeîon) or λόγιον (lógion, “oracle”) in the Septuagint version of Exodus 28.)
- Vulgate Bible, Exodus 28:15
- Rationale quoque iudicii facies opere polymito iuxta texturam superumeralis ex auro hyacintho et purpura coccoque bis tincto et bysso retorta (And you shall make the breastplate of judgment with skillful work; like the work of the ephod you shall make it; of gold, of blue, and of purple, and of scarlet, and of fine twined linen, shall you make it.)
- Vulgate Bible, Exodus 28:15
- a rationale worn by a bishop
- rationale in Charles du Fresne du Cange’s Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition, 1883–1887)
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