


Of unknown origin.[1]


  • IPA(key): [ˈsaːlː]
  • (file)
  • Hyphenation: száll



  1. (intransitive) to fly, soar
    A madár magasan száll.The bird flies high.
    • 1863, János Arany, Buda halála, canto 6:
      Száll a madár, ágrul ágra, […]
  2. (intransitive, of time) to pass
    Gyorsan száll az idő.The time is passing rapidly.
  3. (intransitive) to settle onto something (followed by -ra/-re)
    A madár egy faágra szállt.The bird alighted on a tree branch.
  4. (intransitive, of inheritance, legacy) to come into someone's ownership (followed by -ra/-re)
    Az örökség rám száll.I get the inheritance.
  5. (intransitive) to get into something (followed by -ba/-be, -ra/-re)
    Kocsiba szálltak.They got into a car.
    Hajóra szálltak.They boarded a ship.


Usage notes

Not to be confused with the noun szál (thread) which is pronounced with a short l.

Derived terms

(With verbal prefixes):



  1. Zaicz, Gábor. Etimológiai szótár: Magyar szavak és toldalékok eredete (’Dictionary of Etymology: The origin of Hungarian words and affixes’). Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2006, →ISBN
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