



  1. will (a legal document stating who is to receive a person's estate and assets after his/her death)
  2. (Christianity) testament
    Vanha Testamentti = The Old Testament.
    Uusi Testamentti = The New Testament.


Inflection of testamentti (Kotus type 5/risti, tt-t gradation)
nominative testamentti testamentit
genitive testamentin testamenttien
partitive testamenttia testamentteja
illative testamenttiin testamentteihin
singular plural
nominative testamentti testamentit
accusative nom. testamentti testamentit
gen. testamentin
genitive testamentin testamenttien
partitive testamenttia testamentteja
inessive testamentissa testamenteissa
elative testamentista testamenteista
illative testamenttiin testamentteihin
adessive testamentilla testamenteilla
ablative testamentilta testamenteilta
allative testamentille testamenteille
essive testamenttina testamentteina
translative testamentiksi testamenteiksi
instructive testamentein
abessive testamentitta testamenteitta
comitative testamentteineen

Derived terms

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