to je gól


Alternative forms

  • to je teda gól
  • to je tedy gól


Literally: that's a goal (originally an exclamation when a goal is scored in a sports match).


  • IPA(key): [to jɛ ɡoːl]


to je gól

  1. (idiomatic, informal, colloquial) That is a turn up for the book (expressing a surprise from an unexpected result of a situation, which is usually but not necessarily pleasant or relieving)
    • 2013, Pavel Bušta, Expres Praha Radotín, Praha: Mladá fronta, page 32:
      „Navíc jsem před prázdninama začal chodit s Katkou,“ pokračoval Vojta. []
      „No to je gól!“ zvolal jsem se špatně skrývaným potěšením.
      “What's more, I started dating with Katka,” Vojta continued. []
      That is a turn up for the book!” I exclaimed, hiding my delight badly.
  2. Used other than with a figurative or idiomatic meaning: see to, být, gól.
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