

Alternative forms


vagina + money, chosen for similar ending to alimony.


  • IPA(key): /vəˈdʒaɪnəmʌni/


vaginamoney (uncountable)

  1. (slang, derogatory) alimony when paid by a man to a woman
    • 2003, "JayJeeBus", !Re: Tom's Secret to Success (on newsgroup
      What, virtually all women you know are attracted to fat wallets? Virtually all of your single-mom friends are trying to snare daddies, squirt out more babies and get more vaginamoney?
    • 2004, "Chris", Re: Taking Time Apart - College Fears (on newsgroup soc.couples)
      Don't date a single mother. You already know her stance on abortion, she wont[sic] have one. Don't risk paying vaginamoney! PLUS, her kids will always come before you! Why would you want to be second place to some spoiled little brat!?!
    • 2008, "MCP", Wommin are not happy in Australia.... (on newsgroup
      You could end up paying child support and vaginamoney for the next 20 odd years..
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