


Du latin vulgaire excoriātus, participe parfait de excoriōécorcher »).


Temps Forme
Infinitif to excoriate
Présent simple,
3e pers. sing.
Prétérit excoriated
Participe passé excoriated
Participe présent excoriating
voir conjugaison anglaise

excoriate transitif

  1. Chapitrer (une personne), fustiger (une idée), condamner (une organisation).
    • Madeleina di Farja had described Ori, and Cutter had envisaged an angry, frantic, pugnacious boy eager to fight, excoriating his comrades for supposed quiescence.  (China Miéville, Iron Council, 2004, 2005 Trade paperback ed., ISBN 0-345-45842-7. p. 464)
    • Mr. Green, a former city public advocate and candidate for mayor in 2001, ran ads excoriating Mr. Cuomo’s ethics.  (Patrick Healy, « Spitzer and Clinton Win in N.Y. Primary », 2006, The New York Times, 13 septembre (ouvert le 7 octobre 2008))



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