- Du latin levitas (« légèreté, frivolité »).
Nom commun
Singulier | Pluriel |
levity \ˈlɛ.vɪ.ti\ |
levities \ˈlɛ.vɪ.tiz\ |
levity \ˈlɛ.vɪ.ti\
- (Indénombrable) Légèreté (de manières) ; nonchalance ; manque de sérieux.
- “Wouldn’t that solve your problem?” His attempt at levity earned him a growl, and Quartermaster First Class Manuel Oreza caught a warning look from the Station commander, a gray-haired warrant officer named Paul English. — (Tom Clancy, Without Remorse, 1993.)
- (Indénombrable) Instabilité.
- (Indénombrable) Flottabilité, légèreté.
- Hydrogen … rises in the air on account of its levity. — (Mary Somerville, On Molecular and Microscopic Science, 1869.)
- (Dénombrable) Frivolité ; acte frivole.
- For though it be something wonderful to tell that any should have hearts so hardened, in the midst of such a calamity, as to rob and steal, yet certain it is that all sorts of villainies, and even levities and debaucheries, were then practiced in the town as openly as ever: I will not say quite as frequently, because the number of people were many ways lessened. — (Daniel Defoe, History of the Plague in London, 1665.)
Instabilité (2)
Flottabilité, légèreté (3)
Frivolité (4)
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