Nom commun
Singulier | Pluriel |
maidenhair \ˈmeɪ.dn̩.hɛɹ\ ou \ˈmeɪ.dn̩.hɛə\ |
maidenhairs \ˈmeɪ.dn̩.hɛɹz\ ou \ˈmeɪ.dn̩.hɛəz\ |
maidenhair \ˈmeɪ.dn̩.hɛɹ\ (États-Unis), \ˈmeɪ.dn̩.hɛə\ (Royaume-Uni)
- (Vieilli) (Indénombrable) (Collectif) Poils pubiens (d’une femme).
- And he took the leaves from her breasts, and kissed her breasts, and kissed her navel, and kissed her maidenhair, where he left the flowers threaded. — (D. H. Lawrence, L’Amant de lady Chatterley, 1928)
- (Botanique) Adiante.
- maidenhair tree
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