


Origine incertaine. Possiblement l’accumulation du verbe to stow et du mot away. (to stow away, to reserve, mettre en réserve). (To stow away correspond aussi à un des sens du verbe latin hospitare d’après Munimenta gildhallae londoniensis : Liber albus, Liber custumarum, et Liber horn. Liber custumarum / edited by Henry Thomas Riley volume 3).

Nom commun

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  1. Passager clandestin.
    • Well, you see, sir, a stowaway is very different, sir. The rules are very strict about reportin* ’em, sir. You’ll be put in hirons, and sent back from Liverpool by the first return steamer.  (William Dean Howells, A Sea-Change or Love’s Stowaway: A Stowaway Farce in Two Acts Two an Epilogue., 1884)
    • Stowaways face dangerous situations. Since they are not legally on board, they must sometimes spend days without water or food when traveling by ship, risking death.  (Stowaway Article Wikipedia anglophone)


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