Google Docs

Formatting Text and Adding Hyperlinks
To use the bold, italic, and underline buttons:
- Select the text you wish to modify.
- Click the bold (B), italic (I), or underline (U) button in the shortcut toolbar.

To change text alignment:
There are four alignment buttons in Google Documents:
- Left align
: Aligns all selected text to the left margin
- Center align
: Aligns text an equal distance from the left and right margins
- Right align
: Aligns all selected text to the right margin
- Justify
: Text is equal on both sides and lines up equally to the right and left margins; many newspapers and magazines use full justification
- Select the text you wish to align.
Selecting text to align
- Click the desired alignment button.
Clicking an alignment button
- The text will realign.
Viewing the aligned text