Job Search and Networking
Personal Branding 101
Maintaining your brand
Once you've established your brand, you'll need to keep working to project a strong and consistent brand identity. Remember that actions speak louder than words—be sure to follow through on the promises associated with your brand. For example, if you brand yourself as a hard-working and reliable person, coming in late or neglecting your work doesn't help to reinforce your brand image.
Your brand will need to be flexible as you move between various positions and career paths, so don't be afraid to make changes to your brand as needed. Even if you've accomplished an initial goal, such as finding a new job, it's important to assess your brand from time to time. Some parts of your brand that were once relevant may need to be updated; refreshing your brand identity can help you build new relationships and advance your career.
Additional resources
- JobSTART101
Using a combination of videos, worksheets, and interactives, JobStart101 provides a crash course in personal branding and workplace etiquette for new graduates entering the job market. Even if you're an experienced professional, this is still a great tool for refreshing your knowledge and learning new skills. - Personal Branding 101
A quick, step-by-step guide from Dan Schawbel, one of the leading experts on personal branding. You'll learn the basics of personal branding, such as how to discover and create your brand. - Personal Branding Blog
Also from Dan Schawbel, this blog offers the latest advice and new approaches to personal branding from various career experts.
Download our Personal Branding Worksheet (Word Document or PDF or Google Document) to help you develop your personal brand.
- Navigate to one of the resources above for additional guidance in creating your brand.
- Try answering the questions in the worksheet to begin determining your own personal brand.