The rule of signs, first described by René Descartes in his work La Géométrie, is a technique for determining the number of positive or negative real roots of a polynomial.
The rule gives us an upper bound number of positive or negative roots of a polynomial. However, it does not tell the exact number of positive or negative roots.
Positive Roots
In order to find the number of positive roots in a polynomial with only one variable, we must first arrange the polynomial by descending variable exponent. For example,
Then, we must count the number of sign differences between consecutive nonzero coefficients. This number, or any number less than it by a multiple of 2, could be the number of positive roots. In the example
It is important to note that for polynomials with multiple roots of the same value, each of these roots is counted separately.
Negative Roots
Finding the negative roots is similar to finding the positive roots. The difference is that you must start by finding the coefficients of odd power (for example,
This can also be done by taking the function,
For example:
We can see that the negative signs cancel out for any even power. By only multiplying the odd powered coefficients by
Consider the polynomial:
This function has one sign change between the second and third terms. Therefore it has exactly one positive root. Don't forget that the first term has a sign, which, in this case, is positive.
Next, we move on to finding the negative roots. Change the exponents of the odd-powered coefficients, remembering to change the sign of the first term. Once you have done this, you have obtained the second polynomial and are ready to find the number of negative roots. This second polynomial is shown below:
This polynomial has two sign changes, after the first and third terms. Therefore, we know that it has at most two negative roots. We know that the number of roots of either sign is the number of sign changes, or a multiple of two less than that. So this polynomial has either
First, factor the polynomial:
This simplifies to:
Therefore, the roots are
Complex Roots
A polynomial of
Consider the polynomial:
To find the positive roots we count the sign changes. For this example, we will assume that