the regular existence of two or more different genotypes within a given species or population
Examples of polymorphism in the following topics:
No Perfect Organism
- Therefore, the process of evolution is limited by a population's existing genetic variance, the physical proximity of alleles, non-beneficial intermediate morphs in a polymorphic population, and non-adaptive evolutionary forces.
- Furthermore, natural selection can be constrained by the relationships between different polymorphisms.
- Color and pattern morphs of the grove snail, Cepaea nemoralis.The polymorphism, when two or more different genotypes exist within a given species, in grove snails seems to have several causes, including predation by thrushes.
Class Scyphozoa
- Scyphozoans are free-swimming, polymorphic, dioecious, and carnivorous cnidarians with a prominent medusa morphology.
- The life cycle of these animals can be described as polymorphic because they exhibit both a medusal and polypoid body plan at some point .
Genetic Maps
- In general, a good genetic marker is a region on the chromosome that shows variability or polymorphism (multiple forms) in the population.
- Some genetic markers used in generating genetic maps are restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP), variable number of tandem repeats (VNTRs), microsatellite polymorphisms, and the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).
- Certain regions of the chromosome that are subject to polymorphism will lead to the generation of the unique banding pattern.
- Microsatellite polymorphisms are similar to VNTRs, but the repeat unit is very small; thus, it is often referred to as short tandem repeats(STRs).
Class Cubozoa and Class Hydrozoa
- Cubozoans live as box-shaped medusae while Hydrozoans are true polymorphs and can be found as colonial or solitary organisms.
- Animals in this class are polymorphs: most exhibit both polypoid and medusoid forms in their lifecycle, although this is variable.
Physical Maps and Integration with Genetic Maps
- An expressed sequence tag (EST) and a single sequence length polymorphism (SSLP) are common STSs.
Phylum Cnidaria
- Some cnidarians are polymorphic, having two body plans during their life cycle.